Submission to Bolivia summit to call for review forest definitions UNFCCC
From 20 to 22 April 2010 The People’s World Conference took place in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Wetlands International jointly with partner organisations provided input to the Bolivia Summit to call for a review of forest defintions, terms and classifications under the UNFCCC for the purpose of the negotiated REDD+ policy (reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries). Without clear distinction between natural forests and plantations, there is a high risk that under the UNFCCC this will create financial incentives for the conversion of natural forests including their organic soils (peatlands) to wood / paper and oil palm plantations.
Author(s): A submission by Wetlands International, the Australian Orangutan Project, The Wilderness Society, Global Witness, Humane Society International, Rainforest Foundation UK and the Ape Alliance