Building with Nature project in Java in Dutch Magazine the Ingenieur
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Integrated delta management
Dutch Magazine De Ingenieur published an article about our Mangrove Restoration project in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the Northern Java- Coast erodes rapidly amongst others because mangrove forests have been logged to make place for fish farms.
Through ‘Building with Nature’ these forest are restored, thereby creating protection against incoming waves together with a sustainable living for the people living in the area. An ancient Dutch concept of building dams to trap sediment to create optimal circumstances for mangrove seeds to grow into trees. The project is carried out by The Ecoshape consortium, consisting of (amongst others) Witteveen+Bos and Wetlands International.
Read the article ‘Natuurlijke Golfbrekers’ in The Ingenieur.
Vote for this project for the Dutch prize ‘De Vernufteling’.