Pelican Specialist Group
This group promotes the conservation of Pelecanidae through sound scientific research. In southeastern Europe the group had an important impact for the conservation of pelicans by reducing hunting, mortality due to electric power lines and by building artificial nest platforms on rafts. Profile: Download here
Great White Pelican Migration over Israel: Management of Ecological Demands and Conflicts with Inland Fisheries
Hula Valley, Pastoral Hotel, Kfar Blum, Israel
27-29 October 2014
Summary of the International Workshop
Prepared by Zev Labinger and Ohad Hatzofe
Outcomes of the 1st Workshop on Pelican Research and Conservation in SE Europe (1-2 May 2012)
The cooperation of the countries of SE Europe is imperative for the protection of the pelicans
The Prespa Statement on pelican conservation
Group co-ordination
Dr Giorgos Catsadorakis, Co-ordinator Old World
Email: [email protected]
Daniel Anderson, Co-ordinator New World
E-mail: [email protected]
Header image © Francisco Márquez / The Living Med