World Water Week 2022
Date: 23/08/2022 – 01/09/2022
Venue: Hybrid [Online + In-person] event, Stockholm
Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water
The World Water Week is the leading conference on global water issues, held every year since 1991. The Week attracts a diverse mix of participants from many professional backgrounds and every corner of the world.
Together, participants develop solutions to the planet’s greatest water-related challenges, such as poverty, the climate crisis, and biodiversity loss.
The world’s freshwater is under unprecedented pressure from fast-rising temperatures and consumption patterns. But improved water management and governance can help us achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Paris Agreement on climate change, both of which are currently under acute pressure. It can also pave the way for more peaceful, stable, healthy, and prosperous societies. The conservation and restoration of wetlands must be made a priority.
Thursday, 25th August 2022
Ecologically Sustainable Agricultural Water Management in practice in the Sahel
Time: 08:30 -09:50 AM CEST
Summary: The Ecologically Sustainable Agricultural Water Management (ESAWM) framework tries to combine the integrated landscape and market for development approaches to create food-secure communities which safeguard wetlands. Within this session, we will show the impact of implementing the framework in two case studies and demonstrate monitoring solutions.
Co-conveners: Caritas Switzerland | Hydrosolutions | International Water Management Institute
Thursday, 25th August 2022
Mainstreaming ES in policies for sustainable freshwater development and livelihoods
Time: 11:30 -12:50 PM CEST
Summary: In this session, experts will explore entry points and barriers for mainstreaming science-based valuation of freshwater ecosystem services into water-related sectoral policies and regulations in South and Southeast Asia through case studies, while enhancing community knowledge and its role in decision-making.
Co-conveners: Asian Institute of Technology | Stockholm Environment Institute
Sunday, 28th August 2022
Enhancing resilience of ecosystems and society against droughts
Time: 14:00-15:30 CEST
Summary: Disaster risk reduction has historically been focused on floods. However, droughts are one of the most impactful water-related climate risks to both nature and humanity. The frequency, magnitude and severity of droughts is increasing because of climate change, and we can only expect it to worsen. In this session, we will present and discuss new perspectives on effective drought management.
Co-conveners: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation | Deltares | Government of the Netherlands | High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters | UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology