AEWA: 25 years of successful Flyway conservation in practice
Asian Waterbird Census
International Waterbird Census
This week marks the 25th Anniversary of AEWA, the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds, the leading legally binding flyway instrument in this region of the world. AEWA is considered as a global example for how range states together with a wide range of other stakeholders can work together in a legally binding framework for the conservation of the Flyway: the waterbird populations and the (wetland) sites they depend upon. Significant successes have been achieved over these 25 years.
Wetlands International congratulates AEWA on this milestone anniversary and these achievements. We are happy and proud to have been – and continue to be – one of the founding partners of the Agreement and to have a strong collaboration and provide technical support throughout these 25 years. Examples include the regular updating of the Conservation Status Review of the waterbird populations and contributing do the development of a wide range of technical documents as part of the technical committee and single species conservation action plans. We are thankful for the continued support AEWA and its Parties have provided to the implementation of this important Flyway conservation work.
The collaboration between AEWA and Wetlands International has delivered significant outcomes for the conservation of the African Eurasian Flyway, for the betterment of the waterbird populations and their (wetland) habitats and to the benefit of the people that share the landscapes with the birds. Together we have worked on landmark projects like the exemplary Wings over Wetlands project and the current Climate Resilient Flyways project, that among others have provided a flyway-scale decision support tool on critically important sites for waterbirds and predictions of changes linked to climate and water availability.
Wetlands International wishes AEWA many more conservation successes and offers continued support to work towards a healthy Flyway: healthy waterbird populations and (wetland) landscapes in balance with resilient people.
Learn more about the beauty of the birds in the AEWA flyways and about the Agreement.
Lead image by Jan van de Kam.