The Andean region: a place to conserve
Rivers and lakes
“Sitting above 3500m, it is high enough to take your breath away, and lack of oxygen is not the only reason! It is a landscape of rugged beauty at an epic scale.”- exclaims Chris Baker, in his recent blog on Puna region, Argentina.
Chris Baker, our Programme Head of Water Resources, went to oversee a project at Laguna de Pozuelos located in Jujuy province in Argentina and was experienced a unique blend of admiration and concern for this wetland area. On one hand, the beauty and the biodiversity of the place enchanted him. On the other hand, he grew more and more anxious witnessing the degradation and mismanagement of the area and anticipating its future. Written in a lucid, personal style, this blog unfolds another tale of nature and people under threat.
The blog has been recently published on Impakter in two parts. Enjoy the exclusive photos and the story here- First part: THE ANDEAN REGION: A PLACE TO CONSERVE, Second part: A WAY OF LIFE UNDER THREAT: DRIED WETLANDS LEAD TO HUMAN DISPLACEMENT