East Atlantic Flyway training for site managers and local NGO leaders in Senegal
“Migratory waterbirds connecting wetlands and people” is the motto of the Flyway Programme of Wetlands International. This was put into practice during a workshop organised for site managers and local NGO leaders along the East Atlantic Flyway in Africa, held between 14-18 December in the Djoudj National Park, Senegal.
33 site managers and local NGO leaders from Morocco to the Democratic Republic of Congo along the East Atlantic Flyway participated in a Flyway Training Workshop in Senegal’s Djoudj National Park, a Ramsar wetland of international importance that is also a World Heritage Site.
The event was jointly organised by the ‘From the Arctic to Africa’ initiative supported by the Arcadia Fund, the Conserving Migratory Birds in West Africa project supported by the MAVA Foundation and by the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative.
The workshop programme combined group discussions, presentations, games and field visits, with a goal of enhancing the understanding of the flyway concept of waterbird conservation and facilitating networking between managers of different parks and sites in west Africa.