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Our projects

Wetlands International is the only global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. We are deeply concerned about the loss and deterioration of wetlands such as lakes.

A list of case studies

  • We won’t let another life disappear

    Every year thousands of birds fly across continents to escape the cold winter and find temporary refuge in another part of the globe. The route they take is called a flyway. It’s usually a long, dangerous journey, through sun and storm, in daytime and night. So, the birds make stopovers in particular places to feed […]

  • Strengthening the Biodiversity Corridor of Paraná Delta: a way to save the marsh deer

    As part of the Corredor Azul Programme, we have started the process of  strengthening the biodiversity corridor of the Parana Delta in Argentina, which will also contribute to the preservation of the wider Paraná-Paraguay River Corridor and its nature, including marsh deer at the Buenos Aires province. The extensive wetlands associated with the Paraná and Paraguay […]

  • Empowered communities mobilise government funds to increase their flood safety

    The northern state of Bihar is one of the least developed states in India, and almost yearly hit by serious floods. Every year during the monsoon, flooded main rivers cause serious damages, and often loss of lives and livestock. Floods in Bihar over the last 3 years have affected 26.2 million people and claimed 1000 […]

  • Future proofing Cities in Asia: Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities in Semarang, Indonesia

    Wetlands International has joined the Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities: Asia initiative of the Netherlands Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Henk Ovink as part of the ONE Resilient Semarang design team in the city of Semarang (Java, Indonesia). We bring with it our expertise from the adjacent Demak “Building with Nature” project as […]

  • Living with water & wetlands: flood risk reduction in Panama City

    Every year between June and December, the wet season in Panama brings, to the communities of Panama City, the risk of flooding. As a country, Panama ranks 1st on the Local Disaster Index of Latin America (IDB 2010) with flooding causing 86.9% of reported economic losses and 34.5% of all mortality (between 1990-2014). The rapid […]

  • Mangrove Capital Africa

    Mangrove Capital Africa is a ten-year programme to improve the lives of millions of people by safeguarding and restoring the mangroves they live in.

  • Corredor Azul

    What is the Corredor Azul programme? Corredor Azul is a ten-year programme led by Wetlands International and funded by DOB Ecology. Its vision is that unique biodiversity and the well-being of millions of people living along the Corredor Azul are safeguarded by a healthy and connected wetland system. We expect that by the end of […]

  • Conserving and restoring the iconic marshes of Southern Iraq

    The iconic Mesopotamian Marshlands in Iraq, often referred to as the ‘Garden of Eden’, also contain the giant Majnoon oil fields. The wetlands were severely damaged by past drainage and warfare. Water availability is still constraining both marshland restoration and the oil industry. We are working with Shell to minimise the negative impacts of oil and […]

  • Building ecosystem resilience to escape a humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia

    The remote Somali region in northeast Ethiopia is one of the most challenging Sahelian environments we’ve ever worked in. This is a parched landscape of seasonal rivers and small ephemeral wetlands that is currently facing a severe humanitarian crisis. Years of low rainfall have contributed to one of the worst drought in decades, hitting 10 […]

  • Ensuring food and water security in Mali

    Nearly two million people directly depend on the waters of the Upper Niger River and seasonal wetlands in Mali’s Inner Niger Delta. While armed conflict grabs most of the attention in northern Mali, the loss of water due to upstream withdrawals is a key factor undermining the foundations of security in this region. This is […]

  • Conservation and sustainable use of mangroves in the Sine Saloum Delta, Senegal

    The Sine Saloum Delta is a biodiversity-rich mangrove ecosystem on Senegal’s Atlantic coast. More than 100,000 inhabitants depend on the mangroves for their livelihoods. The Delta faces many threats including destructive use of the mangroves and climate change impacts. In order to reduce the pressure on these ecosystems we are supporting livelihoods, improving knowledge and […]

  • Building with Nature Indonesia

    Reaching scale for coastal resilience The initiative “Building with Nature Indonesia” aims to build stable coastlines with reduced erosion risk through a unique integration of mangrove restoration, small scale hard-engineering and sustainable land use. In doing so we enhance coastal security for 70.000 vulnerable people by avoiding further coastal flooding and erosion in Central Java and […]