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Our projects

Wetlands International is the only global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. We are deeply concerned about the loss and deterioration of wetlands such as lakes.

A list of case studies

  • From the Arctic to Africa: Protecting Waterbirds and Wetlands

    Migratory birds do not mind political boundaries, but they often suffer from lack of international cooperation as they depend on local wetlands in different countries and even continents for their survival. Along the migratory flyway between the Russian Arctic and West Africa we are protecting wetlands and waterbirds. We work both internationally and locally: we bring […]

  • Creating climate resilient wetlands for waterbirds and communities across the African-Eurasian flyway

    The Climate Resilient Flyways project is about working at a landscape-level to benefit the local people and the birds that migrate across continents but still rely on sites within those landscapes.

  • Avian Disease

    Since 2005, we have used our experience in waterbirds and wetlands to understand the risk of diseases that can be transmitted from these animals to humans. Our work confirms that wild birds are very unlikely to disperse disease-causing virus strains over extensive distances. We will continue to examine the interactions and virus transmission between wild […]

  • Protecting flyways around the world for waterbirds and people

    We work with a wide range of partners to conserve migratory waterbirds. We support the establishment and management of networks of protected wetlands along the migratory routes (flyways) of waterbirds. Through our flyways approach, we aim to improve the conservation of waterbirds and wetlands, while also benefiting people. International conventions At the global level, to […]

  • Climate-proof disaster risk reduction and Bio-rights for Indigenous communities in Guatemala

    Natural disasters, droughts and heavy rainfalls, make Guatemalan communities vulnerable to their natural environment. In five departments in Guatemala we work with communities to reduce risks of drought and landslides, and to  improve their natural resource management. We help them to develop their own measures to reduce risks by involving them in platforms for experience […]

  • Building Community Resilience to Natural Disasters in Kenya

    Downstream communities in the Ewaso Nyiro River of northeastern Kenya are extremely vulnerable to droughts and floods. We are helping communities reduce their vulnerability and improve their livelihood by combining sustainable ecosystem management, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. In the arid north of Kenya, water means life. The Ewaso Nyiro North River Basin, […]