Blue Lifelines for a Secure Sahel (BLiSS)

The Sahel is a vast region, rich in natural resources. It is connected by rivers, deltas and lakes supporting centuries-old cultures and societies that have developed complex strategies to withstand a harsh environment. However, climate change, weak governance and a growing number of people living in poverty are posing numerous development and security challenges.
Blue Lifelines for a Secure Sahel (BLiSS) is a transformative initiative that will bring focus on water management and accelerate the safeguarding, restoration and sustainable use of the region’s wetland ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, floodplains and deltas.
BLiSS is a long-term initiative, driven by a unique consortium of international and African partners with decades of experience, regional presence, complementary knowledge and expertise relevant to water management, wetland ecosystems, resilience and peace-building. The core partners are Wetlands International, CARE, International Alert and the International Water Management Institute. Together, we are building a wider alliance in the region of government agencies, private sector and civil society organisations to catalyse change and achieve ambitious goals and long-term impact.
BLiSS Strategy
The strategy below sets out our vision and mission for the Sahelian wetlands and communities, including the various action tracks we will take to reach our goal: 10 million people more resilient and 20 million hectares of wetlands restored. Download the strategy below to continue reading.
Support and Get Involved
The founding partners of BLISS invite civil society organisations, government agencies, private sector and intergovernmental organisations and networks to advise, support, collaborate and invest to realise our joint ambition for Blue Lifelines for a Secure Sahel. Are you interested to support in some way?
For more information
Main contact
[email protected]
Per organisation
Wetlands International – Charlie Avis [email protected]
CARE Nederland – Peter Zoutewelle [email protected]
International Water Management Institute – Olufunke Cofie [email protected]
International Alert – Jessica Hartog [email protected]