Ramsar COP 13
At the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands COP 13, we aim to bring our expertise and experience from every angle and contribute further to the restoration and safeguarding of wetlands for people and nature.

Briefing for Contracting Parties
We offer our position on selected Draft Resolutions to be considered at COP 13. We hope to get your support on these issues. Know more about where to find us and what we are focusing on:
[Download not found]Events that we are hosting
Wednesday, 24 October
Promoting wise use of wetlands in South Asia
Key topic: The side event aims at a dialogue with Ramsar focal points, international organisations and stakeholders on regional priorities for strengthening wetlands management and effective implementation of Ramsar Convention commitments in South Asia region. Know more here.
Lead Organisation: Wetlands International
Time: 18.15 – 19.30
Room: 7, Festival Arena
Thursday, 25 October
Conserving Inter-tidal Wetlands for coastal resilience
Key topic: Supporting the Draft Resolution on “Promoting the conservation and wise use of inter-tidal wetlands and ecologically-associated habitats” that is proposed by the Government of the Philippines. See the details of the event here.
Lead Organisation: Wetlands International
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 5A
Wetlands, peace and security
Key topic: Exploring the relationship between wetlands, conflict and human security. See the details of the event here.
Lead Organisation: Wetlands International
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5A
Events that we are co-organising
Tuesday, 23 October
Participatory management and local communities to preserve the ecological integrity of wetlands in South America (Manejo Participativo y comunidades locales para preservar la integridad ecológica de los humedales en América del Sur)
Key topic: Lessons learned and knowledge exchange.
Lead Organisation: Wetlands International América Latina y el Caribe
Time: 19:40-21:00
Language: Spanish
Room: 5A
See the invitation below:
[Download not found]
Wednesday, 24 October
The Regional Waterbird and Wetland Monitoring Strategy in the Arabian Peninsula
Key topic: Outcomes from the development of a regional strategy for monitoring of coastal wetlands & waterbirds
Lead Organisation: Environment and Protected Areas Authority, Wetlands International, BirdLife International.
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 7
Collaborating for wetlands: international organisation partners and countries sharing lessons for success
Key topic: Joint activities to implement the Convention, and lessons for optimising collaboration to achieve large scale impact.
Lead Organisation: International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 8
Thursday, 25 October
Mobilising social resources to promote wetland conservation
Key topic: A shared vision for wetland conservation and the role of the non-government sector
Lead Organisation: Shenzhen Mangrove Wetlands Conservation Foundation, Wetlands International China
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 8
Friday, 26 October
Sharing output of Asian Wetland Symposium 2017: focusing on functions and roles of urban wetlands for disaster risk reduction
Key topic: It will share key points of AWS and Saga Statement, and case studies focusing on function of wetlands as a buffer against disasters and its role of urban wetlands.
Lead Organisation: Wetlands International Japan
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5B
Events where we are speaking
Tuesday, 23 October
Trans-boundary cooperation on Conservation of the Yellow/West Sea Inter-tidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands
Key topic: Progress and opportunities for multilevel, trans-boundary cooperation.
Lead Organisation: International Union for Conservation of Nature
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 7
Good practice guidance for awareness raising and CEPA techniques for wetlands
Key topic: Practical and interactive demonstrations of CEPA tools.
Lead Organisation: Wildfowl &Wetlands Trust, Government of France
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5A
Urban wetland best practice handbook for better planning, design, construction and management
Key topic: Showcasing best practice case study examples from around the world.
Lead Organisation: Nanjing University Ecological Research Institute of Changshu
Time: 19:40-21:00
Language: English
Room: 7
Cultural approaches to wise use of wetlands – past, present and future
Key topic: Achievements of the project – Conservation of the natural and cultural heritage in wetlands: Global leadership for an integrated approach through the Ramsar Convention
Lead Organisation: The Government of Tunisia
Time: 19:40-21:00
Language: English
Room: 8
Wednesday, 24 October
The use of Earth Observation for wetland inventory, assessment and monitoring: An information source for the Ramsar Convention
Key topic: Launching Task 1.1. as part of STRP 2015-2018 Work Plan.
Lead Organisation: STRP
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 8
Towards a joint peatland declaration: MEAs answer to reverse the trend on peatland degradation
Key topic: Strengthening synergies to maintain and restore ecosystem services of peatlands
Lead Organisation: Global Peatland Initiative – UN Environment
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5A
See the details of the event here.
Enhancing the conservation of Mediterranean Coastal Wetlands
Key topic: MAVA and MedWet’s overall strategy and results of the first year of activities.
Lead Organisation: Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration Spain, Ministry of Ecological Transition
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5B
Implementation of the Ramsar Convention in the DPR Korea and launch of the “2nd National Wetland Inventory of the DPR Korea”
Key topic: Future opportunities and relations to Ramsar COP13
Lead Organisation: Ministry of Land and Environment Protection (DPR Korea)
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 9
Friday, 26 October
Earth Observation Support for Monitoring and Reporting on Wetlands
Key topic: Tools and approaches for improving the management of wetlands, fulfilling national and global requirements and adapting to budgetary needs
Lead Organisation: Ramsar Centre for Eastern Africa (RAMCEA)
Time: 19:40-21:00
Language: English
Room: 5B
Sunday, 28 October
Ramsar Sites in Danger: wetland Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) under threat KBA
Key topic: Partnership and programme: current initiatives
Lead Organisation: BirdLife International
Time: 13:15-14:30
Language: English
Room: 5B
Reducing poverty and protecting Sahelian wetlands – Approach implemented in Mali
Key topic: Challenges and opportunities associated with integrated resources management
Lead Organisation: Direction Nationale des Eaux et Forêt (DNEF), Mali
Time: 18:15-19:30
Language: English
Room: 5B