Wetlands International Philippines calls for abstracts and posters for the Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary event
The Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS) is a freshwater wetland of international importance. It is Ramsar Site 1009 in the list of important sites in the Convention on the Conservation of Wetlands of International Importance, otherwise known as Ramsar Convention.

Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary is a rare peat-swamp in the Philippines. It is located in Northeastern Mindanao, under the jurisdiction and management of six municipalities. The Parks and Management Board of AMWS with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of Region XIII, are implementing the Management Plan.
AMWS has been a Ramsar Site in 1999 and we are celebrating its Platinum Anniversary through a scientific conference. We welcome talks by scientists, researchers, lecturers, resource-managers, students, government and non-government officers, community members, and other stakeholders to share their knowledge primarily on Agusan Marsh as well as other wetlands in the Philippines.
We call for abstracts and posters related to the following sub-themes:
- Resources and Valuation of Wetlands
- Conservation and Management of Wetlands
- Wetland Education and Ecotourism
- Sharing of Best Practices in Wetlands
Guidelines for abstracts
The format specified below shall be followed:
- Paper size: 6”x9” with margins: Top and Bottom = 1in; Right and Left = 0.75 in
- Font type: Times New Roman
- Title (centered, bold, upper and lower case, Font size: 12)
- Author(s) (centered, upper and lower case, font size: 11); Authors should use First Name and Surname; with presenting author underlined and asterisk(s) indicating co-author(s); Major/Main author name in bold face
- Affiliation (centered, upper and lower case); If authors are from different institutions indicate with superscripts respective affiliations. Include address of the presenting author to enable interested parties to contact author; including telephone, fax, and email.
- Abstract body (justified, Font size: 11)
- Keywords (justified in lower case)
- Word format (97-2003 version)

Guidelines for preparing abstracts
1) The “Abstract” should fit in one page (6×9 inches size).
2) The “Introduction” part should contain the scope and purpose of the work in 2-3 short sentences only.
3) The “Experimental Approach” should be described briefly.
4) Only “Highlights of Results” should be presented, which should be quantitative if possible, or as the nature of the paper permits.
5) Uncommon acronyms should be spelled out the first time they are used; if several acronyms are used, they should be listed with their meanings at the end of the Abstract.
6) Only major “Conclusions” should be stated.
7) No more than five keywords should be mentioned.
8) A list of major “References” must be included.
9) Note: Abstracts that do not follow above-mentioned format and guidelines will be returned automatically to authors.
Please submit your Abstracts (250 words) and posters to: Dr. Romell A. Seronay, Director, University Extension Services, Caraga State University with email at: [email protected].
For Abstracts, please submit not later than Sept. 30, 2019 and your full paper not later than Oct. 15, 2019.
This Platinum Anniversary Conference is made possible by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Region XIII, Augsan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Protected Area Management Office, Wetlands International Philippines Program, Office of the Governor of Agusan del Sur, GIZ, Caraga State University, Fr. Saturnino Urios University, Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology, Philippine Normal University – Agusan del Sur, Bukidnon State University and the Ramsar Convention.
Registration Fee is Php1000.00 for regular and walk-in participants and Php500.00 for students.
Photo by: Mr. Joey Aries Vergara, Caraga State University
Download the leaflet for the call for abstracts and posters here:
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