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World Water Week 2024

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World Water Week, organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), is the leading conference on global water issues, held every year since 1991. It is where the world’s most prominent water experts from government officials, NGOs, the business sector, multilateral and international organizations, and grassroots activists meet to share experiences and work on concrete solutions.

World Water Week 2024 is centred on water cooperation, for peace and security in its broadest sense. The theme, Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, recognises the regional and global interconnectivity of communities and nations, and underscores the collaborative effort needed to achieve a peaceful and sustainable future. 

Wetlands International at World Water Week

Water Solutions for a Resilient Net Zero Future

Date: 26 August

Time: 11:00 – 12:30

Location: C1, Level 2

This event presents why and how to invest in water to enable resilient low emission development. It will present solutions across agriculture, water, sanitation, energy and nature based solutions; policy triggers to overcome barriers and mainstream water into climate actions; and financing; including high integrity carbon credits and more.

Standing their ground: Deltas as connectors from source to sea

Date: 27 August

Time: 09:00-10:30

Location: Room 27, Level 2

Deltas bridge land, freshwater, and the ocean; successful delta management depends on these linkages. IPDC and S2S Platform join forces in a discussion on how the source-to-sea approach unlocks pathways for cooperation on climate resilience and sustainable development. This interactive workshop will discuss concrete cases from deltas around the world.

A changing climate from Source-to-Sea: Nature-based Solutions in transitional waters

Date: 29 August

Time: 09:00-10:30

Location: C2, Level 2

Areas bridging fresh and marine waters, whether natural or artificial, are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Nature-based solutions are essential to water management in estuaries, as these integrated solutions can help safeguard biodiversity and store greenhouse-gases, while providing a multitude of benefits to society, like protection against coastal erosion.

Water, Peace, and Security: Innovation to Action – Lessons learned

Date: 29 August

Time: 10:00 – 11:00

Location: Online

The session explores the interplay between water management, peace, and security, and how to transform the vicious cycle of water conflict into a virtuous one of peace and cooperation. Participants will engage with the cutting-edge methodologies and first-hand experiences from different cases both at global and regional level.

The Wetlands Gap Map

Our Global Gap Map initiative aims to create a one-stop shop for governments, policy makers, investors on how to channel climate, development and environmental funds into the world’s most undervalued ecosystems.

Date: 29 August

Time: 13:30-14:00

Location: The Nature Hub