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Wader Specialist Group

The International Wader Study Group (IWSG) is an association of amateurs and professionals from all parts of the world interested in Charadrii (waders or shorebirds). Membership of the WSG is currently over 650 worldwide. Members can be found in over 50 countries around the world, including all European countries and the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australasia.

The interests of the group have diversified from its original focus from ringing and migration-related studies to embrace all aspects of wader biology. The aims of the International Wader Study Group are to:

  • maintain contact between both amateurs and professionals stydying waders
  • help organise co-operative studies; and
  • provide a vehicle for exchange for information on waders and their biology
  • holding an annual conference
  • publishing, three times per year, the Wader Study Group Bulletin, and more recently also publshing Special Issues of the Bulletin each covering a major topic of wader biology and cosnervation; and 
  • acting as the Wetlands Wader Specialist Group

The WSG Coordinator is David Stroud.

Ongoing Projects

  • Golden Plover Survey: October 2008
  • Project “Tringa glareola 2000”
  • Breeding Waders in Europe 2000
  • WSG Colour Marking Register
  • Arctic Birds Breeding Conditions Survey:

Please see the WSG website for more information. 

The WSG Bulletin & IWS

It provides a forum for news, notices, ringing recoveries, recent publications, new study methods, articles and preliminary or interim publication of results from all parts of the world.

Each Bulletin contains a mix, of newsletter items, informal description of research activities, meetings and expeditions to formal presentation of research results. The size of Bulletin varies with each issue but usually consists of between 60 and l00 A4 pages.

Editor of the Wader Study Group Bulletin

Dr Humphrey P. Sitters
Editor Wader Study Group Bulletin,
Higher Wyndcliffe, Barline, Beer, Seaton, Devon EX12 3LP, UK
hone: +44 (0) 1297 21295
e-mail: [email protected]

The latest issue is available here.
Instructions to authors are available here.
The International Wader Studies (IWS) is a fully refereed occasional journal series published by the International Wader Study Group. More information is available here.


Report of our 2011 meeting in Scotland

The Highland Ringing Group (HRG) hosted the latest conference between 23 and 27 September 2011 in Strathpeffer, 20 km northwest of Inverness, Scotland. Read more here