Working in partnership
Scaling up the safeguarding and restoration of wetlands globally requires action from all parts of society. This means collaboration with many and diverse partners at all scales, from knowledge institutions to the private sector. Read on to find out more about how we work in partnership, and the platforms we are a member of.
Partnerships and platforms for change
Wetlands International is a founding member and active collaborator in the Global Peatland Initiative. We work closely with various other organisations and academic bodies, as well as connect with investment firms to scale up finance for peatland landscape recovery. We furthermore actively engage in industry round tables including the Round table for Sustainable Palm Oil and the Responsibly Produced Peat Foundation. Find out more about these partnerships and platforms for change here.
Coasts and Deltas
We collaborate closely with dozens of partners, civil society organisations, academic bodies and governments in strategic partnership for our coasts and deltas work around the globe. We have core partnerships with companies to scale mangrove recovery programmes, and are an active partner of the Ecoshape Building with Nature Consortium. Find out more about these partnerships and platforms for change here.
Rivers and Lakes
For our rivers and lakes work, we have established a core partnership to drive forward the vision of “Blue Lifelines for a Secure Sahel”, including CARE Netherlands, International Alert and the International Water Management Institute. We collaborate with the African Union Great Green Wall Initiative and connect to civil society networks and organisations of Partners for Resilience. We are also in active partnership in the Global Resilience Partnership to tackle water and food security and the intersect with human security. Find out more about these partnerships and platforms for change here.
Breaking ground in sectors
With pressure on wetlands coming from urbanisation, agriculture and industry, we know that we must transform sectors into a force for conservation and restoration.
We work with pioneering companies, willing to break ground in their sectors, to speed up learning, develop new knowledge and influence behaviour. We help companies, not just reduce their environmental footprint, but work with them to develop pre-competitive solutions and develop innovative approaches to wetland conservation and restoration.
Dredging contractor and marine services provider Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) and Wetlands International are working together to enhance coastal wetland habitat that provide some of the greatest carbon stores – often referred to as ‘blue carbon’. Find out more about our collaboration with Boskalis here.
Wetlands International and Dutch sustainable energy company Greenchoice are working together to accelerate and support climate change mitigation by protecting and restoring wetlands that yield climate, biodiversity and community benefits. Find out more about our partnership with Greenchoice here.
Permian Global
Wetlands International and carbon certification specialist Permian Global have been working together to safeguard and restore carbon–rich wetlands since 2013. Find out more about our partnership with Permian Global here.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Waterbird Partnerships
Wetlands International is an International Organisation Partner (IOP) of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Read more about our role as an IOP here. We are also an observer of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and a member of IUCN and IUCN-NL.
We are a founding Partner of the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and serve on its Management Committee and Technical SubCommittee. We provide it with core waterbird and wetland information and technical advice, including through the Asian Waterbird Census and Conservation Status Review.
We serve on the Technical Committee of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) and have developed a range of flyway scale projects on waterbird and wetland information and tools, including the Critical Site Network Tool, Conservation Status Reviews, African-Eurasian Waterbird Monitoring Partnership and Wings Over Wetlands partnership.
We has a close working relationship with the Convention on Migratory Species and provide it with core waterbird and wetland information and technical advice, including through the Waterbird Population Estimates. We chair their Flyways Working Group and participate in the American Flyways Task Force.