Knowledge Base
At the heart of our work is a range of decision support tools that provide the insights necessary for wetland conservation and restoration.
As a science-based organisation, Wetlands International constantly seeks to develop new and innovative research that can help towards the conservation and restoration of wetlands. By doing so, we bring attention to the critical issues facing wetlands, as well as the levers for change. We do this initially through ecological assessments, predictive models, scenario development and trend analysis.
The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW), global Waterbird Populations Portal, International Waterbird Census and Critical Site Network are unique decision support tools that are leveraging data and science in order to help feed our conservation efforts.
We openly publish our knowledge, decision support tools and publications for the benefit of the international community, with special focus on alignment and cross-fertilisation with our partners.
Our goal is to assist and catalyse the planning, conservation, restoration and sustainable management of wetland resources.
We invite you to join us on this quest and explore our decision support tools further in the links below.