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Management Board

Ms. F.J. Madgwick, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), until 30 April 2023 
Mr Johannes de Groot, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), from 1 May 2023 
Mr. Ron van Leeuwen Director of Resources (COO), from 1 May 2023 

Other positions of the Chief Executive Officer at Wetlands International 

  • Board member of Wetlands International South Asia (the governing Body of Wetlands International South Asia  (Wetlands International South Asia Society, India)  
  • Board member of Wetlands International Malaysia  
  • Board member of Wetlands International Argentina  (Fundación para la Conservación y el Uso Sustentable de los Humedales)  
  • Board Member of Wetlands International Europe (Wetlands International – European Association) 
  • Board member of Wetlands International Africa Western Coast and Gulf of Guinea  (the Association Zones Humides d’Afrique – Côte Occidentale et Golfe de Guinée) 
  • Board member of Wetlands International Kenya 
  • Board member of Wetlands International Tanzania 
  • Board member of Wetlands International Indonesia (the Yayasan Lahan Basah – YLBA)  
  • Board member of Wetlands International Philippines (Latian Internasyonal Pilipinas Inc) 

Other positions of the Chief Executive Officer outside Wetlands International 

  • Chair of the Board, Precious Forest Foundation (PFF) 
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of FairFood 
  • Strategic Advisor, Meridia, Amsterdam, Netherlands  
  • Member of Board, The Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA)  
  • Member of Advisory Council “Zuid Hollands Landschap”  

Global Management Team until 30 April 2023 

– Ms. Jane Madgwick Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 

– Mr. Richard Holland Director of Operations and Network Development  

– Mr. Ron van Leeuwen Director of Resources 

Global Management Team from 1 May 2023 

– Mr. Han de Groot, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 

– Mr. Ron van Leeuwen Director of Resources (COO) 

– Ms. Maria Stolk, Director of Network Development 

– Ms. Femke Tonneijck, Director of Programme Impact