Kick off Building with Nature Training for public and private sector in Indonesia
Coastal resilience
Deltares and TU Delft recently kicked off a Training and Awareness program on Building with Nature (BwN) for private sector, government and knowledge institutes in Indonesia, as part of the Building with Nature programme in Indonesia, led by Wetlands International and Ecoshape. The training will improve capacities for applying BwN measures in Indonesia, integrate BwN modules into regular training programs and curricula and raise awareness about benefits of the approach.
While people at different positions see potential for BwN measures, the approach is not yet well-known in Indonesia. After a first Training Needs Assessment with target groups, it was concluded that there is a high demand for training on the philosophy and the potential advantages of BwN.
Technical people also need to be trained on the design, implementation and maintenance of certain appropriate hybrid engineering techniques, like permeable structures in mangrove areas. The training program provides methods, tools and software, supporting a creative, systematic and interactive training process covering all stages of the process towards BwN implementation.
Discussion on BwN concepts, perspectives for Indonesia and the strategic target groups for BwN Training and Awareness program, Inter-ministerial meeting, August 13, 2018, with representatives of the Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries (MMAF), the National Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Ministry Environment & Forestry, the Applied Research Agency and the BwN Consortium. Photo by Bouke Ottow, Deltares
Based on the Needs Assessment, Deltares and TU Delft will further develop the BwN curriculum and select (future) trainers from universities and ministries to participate in the Training of Trainers (ToT). The ToT will result in a pool of qualified trainers that can continue delivering the developed modules for the relevant target groups to spread the BwN philosophy within different networks.
In addition, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be will be available to a large audience in Indonesia (and beyond).
So far, promising contacts on integrating BwN modules in regular training programs have been established with six universities and research agencies: Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Diponegoro University (UnDip), University of Brawijaya (UniBraw), Center for Research and Development of Water Resources (Pusair), Hydrodynamic Institute of Technology BTH (BPPT), and five Ministries and Research departments: Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Environment & Forestry, Public Works & Housing, Planning; and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs.
Deltares and TU Delft deliver this training as part of the BwN programme in Indonesia by Ecoshape, Wetlands International, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), and the Ministry of Public Work and Human Settlement (PU), supported by the Dutch Sustainable Water Fund and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI).
For more information on the training: Bouke Ottow, Deltares: [email protected]
For more information on the project, see: www.indonesia.buildingwithnature.nl