A Review of Migratory Bird Flyways and Priorities for Management
The phenomenon of bird migration has been a source of wonder for man since time immemorial. However, the biological integrity of this intricate seasonal journey, which covers a network of several biomes across different frontiers and continents, is being compromised due to a plethora of threats and challenges, and consequently the vulnerability of migratory birds is increasing worldwide. A Review of Migratory Bird Flyways and Priorities for Management is an exhaustive work which addresses the issue of conservation of migratory birds and their habitats with a comprehensive approach touching on core thematic areas.
It provides a review of existing legal and cooperative international frameworks, an update of the status of our knowledge on migratory species and options for development of new policy directions to achieve their conservation. This review is the result of close collaboration between Wetlands international, BirdLife International and the CMS Secretariat, the CMS Flyways Working Group and a number of experts.
Author(s): Colin A. Galbraith, Tim Jones, Jeff Kirby and Taej Mundkur, ISBN: 987-3-937429-88-5