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Assessing the Inclusion of Wetlands in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans

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  • Biodiversity

Decision 15/6 of the fifteenth meeting of the CBD Conference of Parties requested Parties to revise and update their NBSAPs in accordance with Article 6 of the CBD, aligning with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) and its goals and targets, including those related to means of implementation, and to submit them through the clearing house mechanism by COP16.

This assessment aims to show how wetlands have been incorporated into Post-COP15 NBSAPs. By doing so, it is hoped to raise awareness of the critical importance of wetland conservation and restoration in implementing the Biodiversity Plan, highlight examples of countries embracing this potential, and encourage bolder wetland action. This report sets out how the assessment was undertaken and provides an analysis of the results.

Assessing the Inclusion of Wetlands in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans