Landscape GHG Accounting Guidance: Developing Landscape-scale Carbon Projects
Wetlands International and Conservation International in collaboration with Commonland, Landscape Finance Lab and Silvestrum present the publication on ‘Landscape Carbon Accounting Guidance: how to develop landscape-scale carbon projects’.
The publication seeks to provide guidance on addressing the complexity associated with developing carbon projects at a landscape scale, a major barrier to investment and achievement of holistic impact.
What is the guidance about?
The guidance offers a set of steps and decisions underpinning the development of a landscape-scale Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) project. Landscape-scale projects incorporate all necessary stakeholders and integrate projects at a large scale which enables de-risking investments and positive benefits for nature, people and the economy. By providing steps, methodologies, decision trees and recommendations, the guidance simplifies the process of implementing landscape-scale VCS projects.
Who is the guidance for?
Targeting landscape restoration practitioners and carbon project developers, the guidance aims to empower them to use nature-based solutions and climate financing to scale up restoration and deliver positive climate impact at scale.
Using the guidance, landscape restoration practitioners and carbon developers will find the right methodologies to apply when faced with a mosaic of interventions and ecosystems that co-exist within the same landscape.