PEDRR policy brief for post-2015 Hyogo Framework
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Integrated delta management
The growing evidence and endorsement of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction should likewise be reflected in HFA-2. Environment should be regarded as a cross-cutting issue and clearly articulated in the text and sustainable ecosystem management solutions should be explicitly recognized as a solution for disaster risk reduction and building resilience. The PEDRR network (Wetlands International is a member) provides final input to the post-2015 Hyogo Framework negotations through this policy brief.
PEDRR members emphasize that all text on environment and ecosystem that is already agreed (Ad Ref) must be maintained.
We provide further suggestions and comments for:
- Text in the streamline document that has not been agreed but should be adopted in subsequent iterations, including suggestions for further improvements. This section is considered priority for remaining advocacy with negotiators and delegations.
- Already agreed (Ad Ref).
Our recommendations are endorsed by PEDRR and the Convention on Biological Diversity.