TEST Natural mitigation of natural disasters
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Report to Ramsar STRP-12 on 2nd February, World Wetlands Day. “Natural mitigation of natural disasters”.
The Ramsar Convention has asked Wetlands International to coordinate efforts to bring together scientifically sound advice on wetlands in the region in order to assist governments in choosing the most effective response measures. The IOPs, Wetlands International, WWF International, IUCN and BirdLife International, alongside IWMI, agreed to collaborate within a “Ramsar Tsunami Reference Group”. The Group has agreed to share assessments on the impacts of the tsunami on coastal wetlands in the affected areas of the Indian Ocean (including Eastern Africa) and to communicate with each other and other partners.
The present report is very much a work in progress and states:
- What we do know.
- What we don’t yet know.
- What we are finding out or will soon know.