The Waterbird Population Portal flyer
Asian Waterbird Census
International Waterbird Census
The Waterbird Population Portal is an online platform that makes
available the most recent data on the status and range of waterbird
populations. The data is collated from a range of sources, including
the International Waterbird Census.
Most importantly, the Portal provides the latest size estimates and
trends of the various populations of waterbird species and gives the
latest 1% threshold of each population. These are vital for
effective conservation action.
What’s new?
The new and improved Waterbird Population Portal provides a
clearer visual interactive interface. Maps of waterbird populations
are available, showing which populations are in a site or country.
The taxonomy has been updated to the latest standards followed
by CMS, IUCN and others. Flyway specific overviews are easily
accessible. Experts can identify knowledge gaps and contribute
information for future updates.
How it helps you:
• Protect and manage your internationally important wetlands.
• Identify your Key Biodiversity Areas.
• Monitor the effectiveness of species conservation plans.
• Update IUCN Red Lists.
• Access historical and current regional and global
Find out more in our flyer below.