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Wetlands International in Vice Versa

Published on:
  • Climate and disaster risks
  • Community resilience

Recently, the Dutch magazine Vice Versa has published a special issue exploring the dynamics of water in an increasingly water scarce world and we are happy that we have contributed to this issue with our knowledge and programmes on water and wetland management.

One theme in this issue is dedicated to “Water scarcity and climate.” The first article under this theme ‘A battle on the scale of David and Goliath’ tells the story of how pastoralists living downstream of the Ewaso Nyiro River are influencing the plans for a mega dam called ‘ Crocodile Jaw’ upstream. Our work within the Partners for Resilience (PfR) programme in Kenya is featured in this article along with an in-depth analysis of the context with all different stakeholders being heard.

In another article called ‘Already vulnerable people will see their situation deteriorate,’ Marie-Jose Vervest, the Community Resilience programme head of Wetlands International, shares her views on the root causes of water scarcity and how these can be addressed.

Find the full magazine below in English below:

Vice Versa: the world of water


Find the full magazine below in Dutch below:

Vice Versa: the world of water (in Dutch)