A Manual for an Inventory of Asian Wetlands
A mechanism for developing a comprehensive wetland inventory database for Asia has been developed under Wetland Inventory and Monitoring Specialist Group (WIMSG) of Wetlands International. This provides a platform for comprehensive conservation planning, including assessment and monitoring of wetlands across Asia. The aims of this mechanism are to determine the status of Asia wetlands for the 21st century and to develop a comprehensive Asian Wetland Inventory (AWI) database. This manual is considered to be a living document and in effect is under constant review and when necessary it should be revised in accordance with further experience in conducting wetland inventory across Asia.
Version 1.0 Language(s): English , Author(s): Finlayson CM, Begg GW, Howes J, Davies J, Tagi K and Lowry J , Date of Publication: 2001 , ISBN: 90 5882 010 6