Climate and disaster risks
Coastal resilience
Community resilience
The Global Commission on Adaptation has recently published a flagship report that puts forth recommendations for urgent action to the country and business leaders to accelerate adaptation by focusing on concrete solutions. It makes a compelling case makes a compelling case for working with nature to build resilience and reduce climate risks at all scales. We are happy that our work with EcoShape in Demak, Indonesia has been mentioned in this report as a success case in the call for “embed(ding) nature-based solutions into adaptation planning and policy.” (Page-33)
The report also emphasises heavily on the importance of planning, investing in and taking concrete actions to protect wetlands and other natural resources for climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience. Throughout the whole report, it urges to protect wetlands and to avoid destroying them. The report outlines the solutions wetlands can offer in climate action and why they must be included and prioritised in adaptation planning by every nation. Read our reaction to the report here.
Also, read the full overview of how Building with Nature Indonesia is highlighted in the report.
Also you can download the report that has fed into the GCA flagship report. Wetlands International’s contributions have been acknowledged in this report, and Building with Nature, Water Shocks and many references to wetlands for adaptation have been mentioned.