Integrating ecosystems in resilience practice: Criteria for Ecosystem-Smart Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Climate and disaster risks
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Community resilience
Integrated delta management
The integration of ecosystems and natural resource management in disaster risk reduction (DRR) has been largely overlooked to date. This document introduces a set of criteria, which can be used by policy makers and practitioners to better integrate the management of ecosystems and natural resources in their DRR work. The criteria describe the required steps to develop an ‘ecosystemsmart’ approach in the design, implementation and evaluation of risk reduction programmes. They provide guidance on the required capacities, partnerships, institutional set-up and planning needs.
The criteria were developed in the context of the Partners for Resilience alliance, which aims to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the livelihoods of around 400,000 vulnerable people worldwide.