Landscape scale Disaster Risk Reduction: Assessing risk across the Agusan river basin, Philippines
Rivers and lakes
Multiple times a year, severe tropical storms and typhoons hit the Philippines. Fortunately, the population is very resilient. After each disaster, they reconstruct their lives with creative solutions.
In the past, the annual floods ensured that the soil was fertile, and the marshes were filled with fish. But nowadays, the river increasingly poses a threat. Natural buffers such as forests and marshes are disappearing and the impact of landslides and larger and longer annual floods is increasing.
Together with our partners – the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC), Philippine Red Cross (PRC), CARE Netherlands, Xavier University Science Foundation and Accord, and local communities in the river basin, we assessed the risks both locally and in the entire river basin, upstream and downstream. After that we identified which measures need to be taken to sustainably improve land and water use and reduce risks.