Recommendations for the post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFAII)
Climate and disaster risks
Coastal resilience
Community resilience
Integrated delta management
Calling for increased attention to the need for integrated water and wetland management to reduce disaster risk.
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA): Building Resilient Nations and Communities, agreed by Member States in 2005, is coming up for revision in 2015. Wetlands International puts forward a set of recommendations for inclusion in the post 2015 Framework, summarised in this briefing, calling for increased attention to the need for integrated water and wetland management to reduce disaster risk.
Emerging trends in disaster risks underline the need to consider the role of water and wetland management as important elements of disaster risk reduction and risk management strategy. Located at the interface of land and water, wetlands are crucial in regulating the water cycle, for instance by reducing peak flood flows, storing excessive precipitation or recharging groundwater. It is important that these linkages are adequately recognized and appropriately addressed in the HFA post 2015 framework. As an organisation with experience in wetland conservation, restoration and sustainable use for the benefit of communities worldwide, Wetlands International puts forward a set of recommendations for inclusion in the post 2015 Framework, summarised in this briefing.