Here is how you can help save wetlands
Wetlands International has ANBI status which means that donations are tax-deductible in the Netherlands, and throughout the Euro zone (SEPA). Give today or for more information, please contact us at [email protected]
To donate to Wetlands International, please use:
Account Name: Foundation Wetlands International
Bank account:
IBAN: NL51ABNA0507504127
Bank: ABN AMRO Bank,
Bank address: P.O. Box 283, 1000 EA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Swift Code: ABNANL2A
Why wetlands?
Wetlands are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet. They help combat climate change, support 40% of the world’s biodiversity, and provide nearly all our freshwater.
But unfortunately, we have lost 35% of the world’s wetlands in the last five decades and we continue to lose them at a rate faster than we’re losing forests. The loss and degradation of wetlands has a chain reaction, driving biodiversity loss, stressing food and water supplies, and exacerbating the impacts of floods, droughts and wildfires.
The biggest threat to wetlands comes from humans. Agriculture and infrastructure development are the main drivers of wetland loss. We have lost vital wetland connectivity through dams, dykes, drains, ditches, and deforestation. They have altered the hydrology of wetlands, sometimes irreversibly so.