The importance of “blue carbon” for the Paris Agreement
Climate mitigation and adaptation
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Peatland conservation and restoration
Wetlands International, together with the Australian Government, organised the event “Incorporating Blue Carbon into Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement” at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP22, in Marrakesh.
Earth’s greatest carbon stores
Speakers at the event underlined the role of wetlands as Earth’s natural carbon stores. For instance, coastal ecosystems, which include mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrass meadows are productive ecosystems that store carbon and increase the resilience of communities living along the coast.
Building with Nature
Wetlands International stressed the importance of scaling up the Building with Nature approach, which helps to tackle coastal erosion, reduces disaster risks and increases the resilience of the vulnerable communities.
Check out this short video: