Working together with National Postcode Lottery
Wetlands International are proud to be partnered with the National Postcode Lottery in our efforts to restore wetlands globally.
The National Postcode Lottery
In 1989, the National Postcode Lottery was established to support charity efforts. While 2.8 million Dutch people play this lottery to win prizes every month, they are also supporting causes. Half of the prize money supports the work of more than 99 charity organisations around the world. Since its foundation, the National Postcode Lottery has donated more than 5 billion Euros to the cause of people and nature. We currently partner with many National Postcode Lottery beneficiaries including Cordaid, Care Nederland, IUCN NL, Natuurmonumenten, Vogelbescherming, and WNF. We were also part of a Postcode Lottery-funded project in Mindanao, Philippines with partners Rode Kruis and CARE Nederland.
Wetlands for a Safer World
With the support of the National Postcode Lottery we have been able to push wetlands into the global climate and biodiversity agendas, facilitate the restoration and safeguarding of mangroves in East Africa, and pave the way to globalise this effort through securing additional partnerships. Additionally, we have been able to link our knowledge of wetlands with partners in infrastructure development to make initiatives like Building with Nature possible. Their investment has also supported our strategic outreach, programme development and coordination across the Wetlands International network.